The research project is organized in eight distinct work packages. These are:
WP1 – the Management of the entire project;
WP2 – Conceptual grid: Constitutional Democracy and the Rights of the Child;
Wp3 – Study of formal rules, institutions and policies regarding child protection;
WP4 – The Democratic Logic: According to Entrustment and Trusted?;
WP5 – Professional practice according to rights;
WP6 – Crises in Child Protection Services;
WP7 – Policy recommendations;
WP8 – Dissemination of research findings.
Start month: 1
End month: 48
Start month: 2
End month: 8
This working package is dedicated to developing the conceptual grid for the project, which will serve as substantial input, not only on how to understand the dependent variable, the child´s cosmopolitan citizenship, but also, how to understand the independent variables that will be used in the empirical studies of subsequent WPs. The ambition is to first construct the rationality of protecting the child according to the child´s rights, and map out the different concepts necessary to understand the full depth of what it means to successfully protect children.
Start month: 9
End month: 17
In WP3 the project will apply the conceptual framework developed in WP2 as an analytical tool. The purpose is to analyze how the child´s cosmopolitan citizenship is reflected in formal rules, institutions and policies in Romania and In Norway. Documents will be read and analyzed, and politicians and policymakers will be interviewed. The focus will be to trace how operative the core rights are: Nondiscrimination, best interests, participation and family-life.
Start month: 9
End month: 26
Immersion in a particular social environment does impact the final judgement of social workers, meaning that the wider social attitudes towards issues of child protection may to some extent guide the way in which professional practitioners approach these issues. Along these lines, in our project, we claim it is extremely relevant to examine in depth the attitudes and beliefs of the general population since, as illustrated by the strongly mediatized Naustdal case, public opinion impacts the development of social cases.
Start month: 22
End month: 36
Start month: 30
End month: 38
We will seek to address these topic fields in connection: How does public discourse develop in line with the legal-political discourse, how does public trust in child protection correspond to the legal-political developments.
Start month: 8
End month: 46
WP7 builds on the data and knowledge gathered in WPs 3-6 and puts the conclusions of the scientific research and data analysis in a more accessible language that can be easily grasped by the media, the public, as well as by the stakeholders.
Start month: 1
End month: 48